07 Ghost (2009)
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Teito Klein, é um jovem aluno da academia militar que não possui grandes aspirações. Tratado como ralé pelos colegas por sua posição inferior na sociedade, Teito, depende apenas de seu amigo Mikage, com quem conta para os piores momentos. Online

1 - The Future of Painful Thoughts is
Teito Klein é um jovem estudante na Academia Militar de Barsburg vivendo no mesmo dormitório com seu melhor amigo Mikage.

2 - Nostalgic Memories Accompany Pain
Três homens estão montando em hawkzile quando Teito bate em um dos homens, Frau, e é trazido dentro à igreja.

3 - My Innocent Child, Sleep Within The Light
Teito está prestes a deixar a igreja quando, em vez disso, ele é levado para um lugar que parece ser o refeitório de Frau.

4 - To the Depths of the Earnest Prayer
Teito conversa com o velho, e diz-lhe o seu desejo de ver Mikage.

5 - Hot Tears, Gently Fill His Heart...
Teito é saudado pelas irmãs, que querem fazer sua lavanderia.

6 - The Path of Justice Leads to Light
A Igreja tem seu bazar anual, e Teito, Mikage e as irmãs visitam as lojas dos bispos.

7 - Does the Soul that was Devoured by the Wings, Dream of Its Beloved Child?
Mikage se pergunta se deve ou não deixar a igreja, mas é interrompido por Teito.

8 - Half of His Soul Arouses a Sad Awakening
Enquanto Teito e Mikage falam, Labrador prevê que a tempestade virá muito em breve, e agora é a calma.

9 - The Color of His Soul Will Be Forever...
Mikage, controlado por Ayanami, ainda luta contra Teito enquanto Frau está a caminho.

10 - That is But One Form of Atonement
Teito decide deixar a igreja acreditando que não deveria causar mais problemas a ninguém, no caminho que ele encontra Castor que lhe pergunta se ele conhece o shinigami Zehel.

11 - Atonement for Loved Ones is...
Teito, now staying in the church, wonders what he can do to atone for Mikages death.

12 - The Darkness Called "Pain" Treads Ever Closer...
A man is seen making an agreement with a Kor, and being possessed by it.

13 - Down the Path of Light I See...
Aldo, the criminal, is mysteriously murdered.

14 - A Reason to Fight Together... The Right to be Called Brothers in Arms
Castor, Labrador, and Frau talk about the mysterious figure who attacked Castor.

15 - That Day, I Was Certainly With Him
Teito states that hes putting all his effort into studying for the Bishops Exam.

16 - Truth Lies in the Dark Abyss Where the Light Cannot Reach
Labrador tells Castor and Teito that Fraus be given the death sentence.

17 - The Family With Wings of Darkness, Enshrouded in Misery, Flies Down
The boys are soon joined by Arch-Bishop Bastian, who tells them all about Fraus childhood.

18 - The One Who Must be Forgiven Drowns in Darkness...The One Who Loves Him is Filled With Tears
After Teitos has been knocked out, Hakuren continues to fight Bastian.

19 - The One-Sided, Yet Never Dying Love Finds Itself...
Castor uses Kuroyuri to speak with Ayanami.

20 - They Both Offer A Requiem
After being captured by Ayanami, Teito and Hakuren escape the military air ship and get support from Frau.

21 - Therefore, You Pass Through The Door Of The Defeated
The military found out about the Eye of Mikhail and its master, Teito, and decide to search for him.

22 - Led By The Light In The Water's Depth, He Spies Upon...
After passing the first exam, Teito and Hakuren get to see the progress of others and how some fumble at the last challenge when their greedy nature makes them fail.

23 - Beyond The Heart's Darkness
The second exam resumes for the remaining trainees and comes in the worst form imaginable: the physical realization of their deepest fears.

24 - The Justice of Those Who Lack Love Is... Oh Heart That Is Stolen By Darkness, Forever...
Ayanami appears in front of Teito and Teito wonders if Ayanami is just an illusion like before.

25 - The Heart Is Lead By The Truth On The Other Side...
Teito uses the power of the Eye of Mikhail to summon Frau, Castor, Labrador, Lance, and the Black Hawks.
Elenco principal

Susumu Chiba
Junichi Suwabe
Mitsuki Saiga
Teito Klein / Mikhail
Kouki Miyata
Hiroki Takahashi
Weldeschtein Krom Raggs
Kazuya Nakai
Daisuke Kishio
Konatsu Warren
Wataru Hatano
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