Corrida Maluca (1968)
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Liguem seus motores! O eterno vilão Dick Vigarista, seu fiel cupincha Muttley e seu carro, a Máquina do Mal, vão atropelar vocês e todos os outros competidores, velozes e furiosos, para chegar ao final de mais uma corrida maluca. Esteja bem equipado para encarar esta dupla de desleais encrenqueiros, assim como seus rivais: Peter Perfeito em seu Turbo Especial, Luke e o urso Chorão e sua Carroça do Pai Tomás, a Quadrilha de Morte e o seu Chugga-boom e a glamourosa Penélope Charmosa em seu carro cor-de-rosa. Online

1 - O Grande Prêmio Arkansas
On their way to Mustard Spread Arkansas, all the racers get caught up. Penelope Pistop & Ant Hill Mob get lost. Dick Dastardly falls and sinks into mud. Everyone else gets caught up in traffic.

2 - Destino Cidade Fantasma
On their way to Lemon Twist Nevada, the Wacky Racers run into a deserted town and wonder into a bar where they find ghosts.

3 - O Grande Prêmio Wyoming
The Wacky Racers roar across the desert, dashing toward Rock Springs, Wyo. Meanwhile, Dick Dastardly teams up with Indian chief Crazy Buffalo in an attempt to stop the racers in their tracks.

4 - O Grande Prêmio Yellow Rock
On their way to Yellow Rock, the racers are stopped by a ranger to search for missing bears hiding in their trunks. Blubber Bear is mistaken for a runaway so Luke tries hiding him until he gets past the ranger. A bunch of bears take over the Ant Hill Mob and Dick Dastardlys cars.

5 - O Grande Prêmio Missouri
Dick Dastardly dresses up as a Southener. Luke finds his cousin Elmer.

6 - O Grande Prêmio Idaho
The racers embark on a lap to a little town in Idaho, while Dastardly tries to entrap Penelope Pitstop with a Little Red Riding Hood ploy.

7 - O Grande Prêmio Baja Ha-Ha
In Mexico, Dick Dastardly and Muttley try to slow the other drivers by using a herd of cow-shaped balloons to block the road.

8 - Um Gorila na Corrida
Dick Dastardly hypnotizes a gorilla to stop the other racers. The other racers find away around him and again Dick Dastardly finishes last.

9 - O Grande Prêmio Bem no Coração
The Anthill Mob disguises themselves as Wood Scouts to evade the police.

10 - O Grande Prêmio Virginia
On their way to Wheeling, WV, Dick Dastardly uses construction cars (bulldozer, steamroller, a crane) to stop the racers.

11 - O Grande Prêmio Altos e Baixos
Dick Dastardly leads the racers into an abandoned amusement park on their way to Upsan Downs.

12 - A Toda Velocidade para Arkansas
On their way to Noahs Ark, AK, Dick Dastardly leads the racers into the War Games right in th middle of the race.

13 - O Grande Prêmio Mississippi
Não temos sinopse em Português. Ajude-nos a ampliar a nossa base de dados adicionando uma.

14 - O Grande Prêmio Alabama
Não temos sinopse em Português. Ajude-nos a ampliar a nossa base de dados adicionando uma.

15 - Corrida Quente em Chillicothe
Heading to Chillicothe, OH, Dick Dastardly steals a Police car. The Anthill Mob disguises themselves as a little league baseball team and play Baseball against Dick Dastardly and Muttley.

16 - O Grande Prêmio A Estrada Não Era Essa
Dick Dastardly uses trees, logs, and saws to win the race.

17 - O Grande Prêmio Rhode Island
Dick Dastardly desperatedly tries to win this race and almost does. He tries a construction site detour, Subway station, Hot sauce, and expanding his wheels.

18 - O Grande Prêmio Pólo Norte
Dick Dastardly dresses up as a snow monster to scare everyone away.

19 - O Grande Prêmio Vale Tudo
Today, the Wacky Racers are zooming up the track from Elbowgrease, Ohio to Ripsaw, Arkansas.

20 - O Grande Prêmio Texas
The next race sees the racers wending their wacky way westward from Oilcan, Oklahoma to Greasegun, Texas.

21 - O Grande Prêmio de Washington
The Wacky Racers pass by with a thunderous hue and cry on their way to Washington.

22 - O Grande Prêmio do Deserto
O Grande Prêmio Uni-Duni-Te

23 - O Grande Prêmio Uni-Duni-Te
Clear the road, step aside and watch those Wacky Racers ride all the way to Eeny Meeny, Missouri.

24 - O Grande Prêmio do Pântano
The next race takes place from Sandy Soda Springs to Squishy Squash City.

25 - O Grande Prêmio Dakota
The Wacky Racers roar out of Cactus City on the way to Gopher Gulch in the Badlands. Dick Dastardly tries to hold up the Wacky Racers, disguising himself as the same outlaw that he sees on a Wanted poster.

26 - O Grande Prêmio Delaware
Through the valley and over the dale, the Wacky Racers hit the trail to far off Wott-Will, Delaware. Dick Dastardly sprays cake icing on the road in front of a bakery. Penelope Pitstop and Peter Perfects cars slide into the bakery, and Penelope and Peter end up dressed as a bride and groom on top of a big wedding cake.

27 - O Grande Prêmio de Hollywood
Today, we find the Wacky Racers speeding through the mountains toward Jollywood, California.

28 - O Grande Prêmio Raleigh
Roaring down the highway, the Wacky Racers relentlessly roll along to the finish line at Raleigh.

29 - O Grande Prêmio Pennsylvania
The cars are strung out on the first lap of todays Wacky Race, with the finish line in far-off Ballpoint, Pennsylvania.

30 - O Grande Prêmio Hackensack
The racers hurtle toward their next destination in Hackensack.

31 - O Grande Prêmio Idaho
Todays Wacky Racers are slipping and sliding through ski resort country from Mush-Mush, Michigan to Iceandsnow, Idaho.

32 - O Grande Prêmio Flórida
Today, our Wacky Race takes place over water, as our Wacky Racers are island-hopping in Florida on their way from Key Largo to Key West.

33 - O Grande Prêmio Racine
There they go on another wild and wacky race to Racine. Early race favourites include Professor Pat Pending, the Gruesome Twosome, and Rock and Gravel.

34 - O Grande Prêmio Carlsbad
And here they are, folks, warming up their cars for the hottest race ever to Carlsbad. Early race favourites include Penelope Pitstop and the Red Max.
Elenco principal

Paul Winchell
Clyde (voice)
Don Messick
Gravel Slag (voice)
Daws Butler
Big Gruesome (voice)
Janet Waldo
Penelope Pitstop (voice)
Dave Willock
- Posters
- Backdrops
- Videos
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