EDENS ZERO Assista Todos os Episodios Online, Assistir EDENS ZERO Completo, Assistir Online
Ano X492 da Era Cósmica. Uma época em que inúmeras pessoas viajam para o espaço, explorando as estrelas. Rebecca é uma B-Cuber, uma streamer de vídeos online que mora em Granbell, um planeta habitado por robôs. É lá que ela conhece Shiki, um jovem capaz de controlar a gravidade, e que segue os ensinamentos de seu guardião, o robô Ziggy. Juntos, Rebecca e Shiki formam uma amizade e partem numa aventura pelo espaço, deixando pra trás o único planeta que conheciam, em busca de novos planetas, novas pessoas e tudo mais que houver de novo! Online

1 - Into the Sky Where Cherry Blossoms Flutter
Rebecca Bluegarden visits the nearly deserted Granbell Kingdom. There she meets the sole human inhabitant, Shiki, who wants to be her friend.

2 - A Girl and Her Blue Cat
On their way to Blue Garden, Rebecca encourages Shiki to get his adventure license. She also asks him to be a bodyguard for her and Happy.

3 - Adventurers
Shiki loses his cool when famous B-Cuber Labilia makes fun of Rebeccas inferior B-Cube channel. Then, Shiki gets his official adventure license.

4 - A Man Named Weisz
On the planet Norma, where time is 50 years in the past, Happy and Rebecca meet a young Professor Weisz, who long ago saved Happys life.

5 - Clash!! The Sibir Family
Shiki and the gang break into Sibirs hideout to get Pino back, but Weisz takes advantage of the chaos to try and take Pino for himself.

6 - The Skull Fairy
While Shiki and the gang struggle to fly Aqua Wing off of Norma, Weisz suddenly appears and offers to help — but he wants something in return.

7 - Warship of the Demon King
After boarding the pirate ship Skull Fairy, Shiki makes his way to the bridge to confront Elsie Crimson and fight her for the vessel.

8 - Wind Howls on the Highway
Witch informs Shiki that he is now the master of the Edens Zero. She further explains that the ship has not yet returned to its full power.

9 - Planet Guilst
While Shiki and the others rush to rescue Rebecca, Weisz returns to Edens Zero along with a woman named Homura.

10 - The Great Naked Escape
Homura uses her Soul Blade powers to fight off Sisters men. Meanwhile, Rebecca plans her escape from Illega Tower.

11 - Sister Ivry
As the chronophage moves ever closer to Planet Guilst, Shiki is disgusted to see Sister use Jinn as a shield. Then, another Sister appears!

12 - New Friends
Witch and Sister Ivry finally reunite, and Homura reveals her true motivations for coming aboard Edens Zero.

13 - The Super Virtual Planet
After finding Hermit on Iron Hill, the crew deduces that shes in an abnormal sleep mode as a result of her heart being broken.

14 - The Girl on the Hill
The crew enters the virtual planet of Digitalis to search for Hermit, but when they find her, she stubbornly refuses to return to Edens Zero.

15 - Great Kaiju Shiki
After Homura declares that shes joining Drakken Joe, Shiki and the crew are shocked when another Homura suddenly appears.

16 - Fireworks
Spider hacks into Edens Zeros system and starts to destroy the ship from the inside. The only one who can stop him is Hermit.

17 - The Temple of Knowledge
To find the fourth member of the Demon Kings Four Shining Stars, Shiki and the crew head for the Planet of Time, Mildian.

18 - Words Will Give You Strength
At Battle Coliseum, Xiaomei tells Shiki and the crew that shell give them the information they want — but only if they can defeat their opponents.

19 - From the Planet of Eternity
After obtaining the information they needed from Xiaomei, Edens Zero sets course for the planet of Sun Jewel to reunite Homura with her mentor.

20 - Stones
Shiki and Homura find themselves in a labor zone where theyre forced to gather valuable metal for a figure known as Madame Kurenai.

21 - Reset
Nino leads Rebecca, Pino and Happy to the labor zone where they meet a man named Paul, who tells them hes Valkyries disciple.

22 - My Mother, the Machine
When Homura was a child on a war-torn planet, Valkyrie took her under her wing and raised her like her own.

23 - Until the Day It Turns to Strength
Shiki and the others confront Madame Kurenai. Homura is overwhelmed with sadness when she sees Valkyrie, while Drakken Joe hacks into Oculus Kurenai.

24 - Taking Up the Torch
Baku is easily defeated, thanks to Weiszs Arsenal suit. While Shiki battles the Knight Gear controlled by Madame Kurenai, Rebecca fights Nino.

25 - Someone to Love
After the battle between the Kurenai Dragoon and Shiki comes to an end, Shiki and the others return to the Edens Zero and have to share some bad news.

26 - Belial Gore
A nave Edens Zero passa a ser alvo de uma nave maior. Shiki e companhia decidem se infiltrar lá para descobrir o motivo.

27 - Element Four
Shiki e companhia entram dentro de Belial Goer. Neste momento, Edens Zero é atacada. Witch vai tomar conta dos intrusos, mas será que ela vai ser capaz de contê-los? Enquanto isso, Drakken Joe põe em prática um plano para capturar os tripulantes da Edens Zero, ao mesmo tempo que deixa seus guerreiros de elite, os Element Four, de prontidão para capturá-los.

Within the Belial Gore, Weisz dons an Arsenal suit in his fight against the Element 4 Spirit of Water, Laguna. However, he finds it difficult to gain the upper hand due to Lagunas various water attacks.

29 - Nº 29
Enquanto Weisz é atingido por uma bala, Rebecca tenta entregar o remédio. No entanto, a demora dela faz Shiki perceber algo errado.

30 - Mediação
Although Shiki and Homura want to deliver medicine to Weisz as soon as possible, they struggle with the attacks from Sylph of the Wind and his assistant, Jinn.

Rebecca is devastated by Shikis death and Drakken Joe finally explains to her in detail what it is he wants to extract from her. Apparently, she has a very particular Ether Gear.

32 - 4 VS 4
Rebecca conseguiu voltar no tempo e alertar todos da ameaça de Drakken Joe, como forma de evitar a morte de Shiki. Agora a Edens Zero parte para o ataque. Mas logo se deparam com os Element Four. Nesse momento, as Quatro Estrelas Brilhantes ficam para trás para lutar contra ele, enquanto Shiki, Rebecca e companhia vão atrás de Drakken Joe.

33 - The Sword of Edens
Changing into her Battle Dress, Hermit fights off the Element 4 sniper, Fie. Sister fights Daichi of Earth, Homura battles Sylph of Wind, and Witch stands against Laguna of Water. Meanwhile, Shiki and his gang push forward toward Drakkens hideout.

Shiki and the gang grasp a secret clue about Drakken Joe. As they discuss strategies for their next course of action, they notice that something is wrong with Labilia… Suddenly, Drakken Joe appears, sensing an Ether reaction. A head-to-head battle between Shiki and Drakken finally begins!

35 - Advent of the Demon King
The fierce battle between Shiki and Drakken continues. Drakken activates his Overdrive to overwhelm Shiki, but suddenly Arsenal appears!

36 - Edens One
Youve lived enough, time to sleep, says Shiki, who has reached Overdrive and defeated Drakken Joe. However, Weiszs anger does not subside, and he stands over and points his gun at the barely alive Drakken Joe.

37 - Clash of the Cosmos
Before they venture beyond the cosmos in search of Mother, the Goddess of the Cosmos, Edens Zero visits Granbell at the request of Shiki, where he has an unexpected reunion.

38 - The Woman They Called Pirate
Edens Zero is cornered by Edens One and Shiki and the crew are saved at the nick of time by the space pirate Elsie Crimson. After the battle, Elsie boards Edens Zero and talks to Shiki about something Ziggy had asked her to do a long time ago.

39 - Nadia, Love of My Life
Shiki and the gang get through Dragonfall and arrive at the Aoi Cosmos, which is ruled by Poseidon Nero of the Oración Seis Galáctica, and land on a fire planet, Red Cave, at the suggestion of Witch. The planet is overflowing with Water Ether, and is an environment that is a far cry from a fire planet covered by the ocean. As the Edens Zero crew enjoy a brief vacation at the ocean, they discover a town beneath the waters...!

40 - A Robot in Love
Within a temple adorned by reliefs of Mother, Shiki and the group meet Nadia, the temples guardian. They hear from Nadia that the far end of the temple contains hints to finding Mother, but as they venture deep into the temple, they find a scorching cave…

With Lagunas help, Shiki and the gang obtain a hint for finding Mother and leave Red Cave towards the Verdant Planet Foresta. Meanwhile, Elsies pirate gang, cruising through the Aoi Cosmos on the Skull Fairy, are being pursued by Justice of the Cosmic Governments Interstellar Union Army.

The robots attack the ship and Jin, Kleene and Laguna have to defend their new allies. Meanwhile, on the planet, Shiki and the others are confronted by Poseidon Nero, who has been ordered to eliminate all robots.

43 - Star Drain
Enquanto Shiki e seus amigos lutam em Foresta, Hermit chama ajuda de Weisz e explica sobre o vírus.

44 - Querido Monte de Lixo
Rebecca está encurralada, mas usa essa oportunidade para descobrir mais sobre os poderes do Cat Leaper.

45 - Kiss & Die
Weisz e Hermit lutam contra o Dr. Müller no satélite que orbita Foresta. Enquanto isso, no planeta, Shiki é atacado por Justice.

46 - O Sistema do Fim do Mundo
Shiki é salvo por uma máquina misteriosa que se deu o nome de Xenolith, o mestre de Ziggy. Enquanto isso, Weisz luta contra o Dr. Müller no espaço, que ativa um sistema que causará a destruição de Foresta. Kleene e Jinn retornam para Edens Zero ao mesmo tempo que a verdade sobre os experimentos de Müller vem a tona.

47 - Oceans 6
Enquanto Shiki e companhia tentam descobrir a verdade por trás de Xenolith, Poseidon Nero reúne seus subordinados mais poderosos, os Oceans 6.

48 - Judgment Day
Shiki e seus amigos treinam com Xenolith para ficarem mais fortes e continuarem sua jornada. Eles seguem juntando mais relíquias com o Ether da Mother. Enquanto isso, Poseidon Shura assume o lugar do pai e tem que tomar uma decisão do que fazer para conter Ziggy no Aoi Cosmos.

49 - Oásis no Deserto
Depois da decisão de Poseidon Shura, filho de Nero, Shiki e seus amigos resolvem pensar em uma forma de contra-atacar. Laguna tem uma ideia que vai levar a Edens Zero para o deserto do Planeta Sandra.

50 - Prelúdio para a Guerra de Aoi
A batalha no planeta Sandra se arrasta com Shiki e seus amigos ao lado dos rebeldes lutando contra o exército imperial. No entendo, o império tem uma arma para destruir com todo o planeta... Enquanto isso, o governo começa a rumar em direção a Nero 66. Com a chegada de uma maré alta, uma batalha entre várias frentes está prestes a começar.
Elenco principal

Mikako Komatsu
Rebecca Bluegarden (voice)
Rie Kugimiya
Happy (voice)
Hiromichi Tezuka
Weisz Steiner (voice)
Shiori Izawa
E.M. Pino (voice)
Shiki Aoki
Homura Kougetsu (voice)
Kiyono Yasuno
Witch (voice)
Yukiyo Fujii
Sister Ivry (voice)
Kanon Takao
Hermit (voice)Midia
- Posters
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