Seikon no Qwaser Temporada 1 Episódio 4
While Ekaterina continues appraising Hanas soma, Mafuyu leads Sasha through a girls day out at the mall with Tomo and Teresa in which Sasha has to haul all of the recently-purchased payload like a beast of burden as punishment for ignoring her house rules. A last-minute visit to a lingerie shop at Tomos request for a bigger brassiere sets the stage for Tomo and Teresas abduction at the hands of some voyeurs from the fitting room right under Mafuyu and Sashas noses; a bit of detective work and an expedient »Put it in neutral!!!« intercession from Sasha later, the voyeurs are easily defeated but prove themselves a warm-up compared to the fully-charged Ekaterina who decides to appraise the efficacy of Hanas soma. Even with Teresa recharging his soma, Ekaterina easily stalemates Sashas close-range attacks and would have finished him off if not for Mafuyu and Teresas combined interjection for temperance; while Mafuyu and Teresa perform the necessary housekeeping with the voyeurs and explaining about Athos, Ekaterina ultimately makes herself at home in Hanas apartment as she wastes no time in refining Hana as her Maria partner.