Tatakau Shisho: The Book of Bantorra (2009)
Tatakau Shisho: The Book of Bantorra Assista Todos os Episodios Online, Assistir Tatakau Shisho: The Book of Bantorra Completo, Assistir Online
In a world where dead people turn into books and are stored in the Bantorra Library where anyone who reads a book can learn their past. Bantorra Library is maintained by Armed Librarians who wield psychic powers and their enemy is a religious society known as Sindeki Kyōdan. Online

1 - A Bomb, a Book and a Sinking Ship
When Armed Librarians launch an attack against a Church of Shindeki ship they are attacked by Human Bombs. After boarding the ship and fighting off the guards (the Mock Men), the Librarians find dozens of Meats in the hold but are unable to save them all before the ship itself explodes. One of the few survivors is the Human Bomb, Colio Tonies whos only thoughts are of killing the Acting-Director of the Armed Librarians, Hamutz Meseta.

2 - Bombs, a Princess and a Gray Town
Colio and his companions find themselves at the Toatt Mine region still searching for Hamutz. However it isnt long before Lumion, a local Armed Librarian discovers that they are human bombs. In the ensuing confusion one of the bombs detonates killing Lumion and this in turn prompts Hamutz herself to head to the Toatt Mine to search for those responsible.

3 - A Bomb, a Human, and the Sickness of a God of Death
Colio is given another piece of the book of the Ever-Laughing Witch and he learns more about her past. He also comes face to face with the women he is supposed to kill but things do not go as he thought they would.

4 - An Evening, Shiron and Korio
Hamutz and Segal finally face each other in battle but with Segal wielding Shlamuffen it doesnt seem like the Acting-Director has much hope of winning. Meanwhile, after learning more about Shirons past, Colio decides that he too must fight.

5 - A Betrayal, A Cup, and a Meandering Path
Following the theft of Ylucklucu and Volkens apparent betrayal everyone at Bantorra begins to question his motives and his character. Mirepoch has been particularly affected by her friends actions and seeks solace in the books of the lower libraries. Meanwhile, Norotei is dispatched to recover Lumions book which has gone missing from the Toatt Mine.

6 - Thunder, a Monster, and a Girl`s Punch
A man who refers to himself a monster arrives at the Library and demands to see Hamutz. He is immediately confronted by Mattoalast, Minth and Mirepoch who manage to force him to retreat despite his numerous magical abilities. Meanwhile, Norotei is still investigating the theft of Lumions book.

7 - A Smile, a Mask, and a Man with a Death Wish
Norotei confronts Zatoh about his theft of Lumions book and his suicidal tendencies. Zatoh tells her that she can have the book only if she can kill him. Meanwhile, Mirepoch learns that Zatoh maybe the monster who attacked the Library and dispatches Mince to investigate.

8 - A Pond, Comrades, and a Seashell
Norotei learns that Zatoh is a book eater, a monster who can devour books gaining the knowledge and power of the person concerned. When Zatoh consumes Lumions book Norotei becomes so angry that she becomes serious about fighting for the first time. Meanwhile, somewhere inside of Zatohs soul all of the books he has consumed begin to rebel against him.

9 - A True Man, a Battlefield and My World
With Enlike now in control of Zatohs body he returns to Bantorra with Norotei to try and atone for his sins. Unfortunately, despite Noroteis affection for him many of the other librarians do not trust Enlike and things are only made worse by Ganbanzels incessant hounding of his former protégé.

10 - A Weird Guy, a Mother and the Nest of the Black Ants
The Library comes under attack and it appears that an Armed Librarian is responsible, Mokkania Fluru. With Hamyutz trapped in the Labyrinth with the traitor the other Librarians regroup and prepare a counter-attack. However, it soon emerges that Mokkania is being manipulated into attacking the Acting-Director by the Church of Shindeki and that they must find a way to break their hold over him before it is too late.

11 - A Weakling, the Labyrinth, and Moving the Queen
With Hamyutz now in possession of Shlamuffen she decides that it is time to confront the treacherous Mokkania. Meanwhile, the reason for Mokkanias sudden attempt to kill Hamyutz becomes clear and it is not what any of the Armed Librarians originally believed.

12 - The Past, Irrationality, and a Pipe's Smoke
Mattalast reminisces about the first time he met Hamyutz and how they went from trying to kill each other to becoming lovers. He also remembers their mission together to capture the traitor Hiza, when he was order to eliminate Hamyutz by the then Acting- Director, Fhotona.

13 - A Day Off, a Picture Book, and Rusty Hair
Mirepoch uses her day off to investigate an eight year old murder that may be related to Lasquall Othello. However, there is also someone else who is interested in the mysterious Lasquall and she is prepared to kill in order to find her man. When the two come face to face it is only thanks to Mattalasts timely intervention that Mirepoch survives.

14 - The Setting Sun, a Storyteller, and a Collection of Fables
Shiron, the Ever-Laughing Witch tells the story of how the world was created by the Overseer and the Library was founded. She then recounts the various events that have occurred up until now; Colios defeat of Cigal, Volkens betrayal, Zatohs redemption by Noloty, Mokkanias death and Mirepochs hunt for the truth about Lasquall Othello.

15 - A Girl, a Girl, and the Bed of God
Mirepoch continues to search for answers about Lasquall but her red-haired rival appears to be one step ahead of her. However, when she does finally get up to speed she realises that the only way to kill Lasquall is to work together with Alme.

16 - A Banned Book, a Coward, and the Sacred Eyes
Minth is assigned to retrieve illegal snuff books with the help of Yuri and Yukizona. However, Minth soon runs into an old friend from his criminal days, Griehn and is reminded of the last time he got involved with snuff books. He then begins to realise that Griehn has more to do with his mission than he first thought, forcing Mince to choose between his duty and his friend.

17 - A Return Home, an Encounter, and Burning Bridges
Volken finally returns to Bantorra after his apparent defection and attempts to prove his innocence. However, his return causes Mirepoch to question her decision to drink the water of Argax as her feelings for her former friend begin to return. Meanwhile, Enlike tries to help Renas make sense of her re-emerging memories.

18 - A Propeller, Recollection, and the Lead Human
Volken and Renas (now calling herself Olivia Litlet) defeat Volekns former instructor, Vizac in order to escape to the Kra District. However, Hamyutz continues to pursue the traitors in order to destroy the secret of Vend Ruga once and for all. Meanwhile, the Armed Librarians learn that Vizac is dead and they all blame Volken for their comrades murder, all except Mirepoch.

19 - A Fool, Empty Space, and a Dancing Puppet
The Acting-Director has finally caught up with Volken and Olivia at the Duria Mine. As Olivia attempts to overcome an army of Human Bombs in order to locate Ylucklucu, Volken finally faces off against Hamutz. Although Volken is not strong enough or ruthless enough to defeat Hamyutz he succeeds in slowing her down but in process he is killed by Hamyutz. Olivia regains not only Ylucklucu, but also her memories as well.

20 - Funeral Bells, a Book, and a Boy with a Death Wish
Following the Meats revolt against the Church of Shindeki, the Ismo Republic suddenly declares war on the Library of Bantorra and Hamyutz suspects that the severely weakened Church is somehow involved. Meanwhile, Enlike is delivered a book by Lasquall and when he starts reading it he is shocked to learn that it is Nolotys. He is even more shocked when he learns the circumstances of her death.

21 - Enmity, the Color Blue, and the Rope Princess
With Bantorra surrounded by the forces of the Guinbecs-Ismo alliance Hamyutz decides it is time she joined the fight, leaving Mirepoch in charge of the Library. Mirepoch and Minth then make a startling discovery about the reason for this sudden war. Meanwhile, Enlike continues to read Nolotys book in order to discover her final wish.

22 - The Sky, a Conclusion and Her World
The Armed Librarians learn that the Cerulean Death is responsible for the sudden outbreak of hostilities, but this knowledge does them little good. As such Hamyutz prepares to lead the remaining Armed Librarians in a last-ditch offensive against the growing enemy forces that have surrounded the Library. Meanwhile, Enlike finally finishes Nolotys book and is able to fulfil her final wish.

23 - A Jailbreak, a Tool and the Violet Desert
It has been more than two months since the end of the Cerulean Death War and things are very different in Bantorra. Minth has been promoted to the new Governor of Paradise and has begun the task of recruiting new True Men. Meanwhile, the Armed Librarians have had enough of Hamyutzs secrets and have decided to rebel against her. However, before they can put her on trial she escapes in order to carry out one final task.

24 - Truth, Love, and the Second Sealed Library
Having been reunited with Chacoly after all this time the first thing Hamyutz does is kill her. She then decides to read Chacolys book and see what happened after the two of them parted ways. Meanwhile, with everyone out searching for the Acting-Director, Enlike is able to sneak into the Library where he comes face to face with the Director of the Bantorra Library, Ruruta Coozancoona.

25 - Serenity, Indolence and the Tale of Despair
Long ago as the God Orntorra prepares to send seven Angels armed with seven deadly War Machines to destroy the world, one man prepares to save it, Ruruta Coozancoona. After consuming the magic rites of more than a thousand books Ruruta is able to defeat the Beasts of the Final Chapter but is forced to kill his lover Niiniu, in the process. As such he creates the Armed Librarians and the Church of Shindeki in order to fulfil Niinius wishes and make her happy.

26 - Redemption, Purplexity and the Book Within a Book
Inside Rurutas Nonentity Entrails a seemingly unstoppable Hamyutz wages war on Ruruta. Although at first she has the upper hand, things quickly change when Ruruta transfers all of his power to Niiniu and the Acting-Director must face the Soul of Destruction herself. It is then up to an unlikely old friend to help her to turn the tide of battle back in her favour, Colio Tonies.

27 - The Might of the World
Hamutz uses her ability to summon the various Armed Librarians who have been killed in battle and together they struggle to defeat Niiniu and defend the world. Meanwhile, Ruruta calls on Mirepoch to revive those Armed Librarians still in the living world and protect the innocent population from the Beasts of the Final Chapter.
Elenco principal

Romi Park
Hamutz Meseta
Toru Okawa
Mattalast Balory
Miyuki Sawashiro
Mirepoch Finder
Yuichi Nakamura
Volken MacmaniMidia
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