1992 (2015)
1992 Assista Todos os Episodios Online, Assistir 1992 Completo, Assistir Online
Trata-se de um thriller político situado nos bastidores da operação Mãos Limpas. Esta foi uma operação policial que investigou um dos maiores escândalos de corrupção já revelados ao público na Itália. Online

3 - Monos
Police officer Luca finally gets his man, Leos murky past is threatened to be exposed and Gulf War veteran-turned-politician Pietro grows disillusioned with parliament.

4 - Perros
A suicide shakes the consciences of many of Milans power players and forces everyone to confront their responsibilities and their political ambitions.

5 - Leones
Luca is forced to face his darkest demons, Leo reflects on a morbid episode from his past and Pietro and Veronica find their lives heading in totally opposite directions.

6 - Polillas
Luca holds a secret meeting with Bibi, Leo takes a risky decision in order to brighten his future and Peter finds a reason to fight in parliament.

7 - Castores
Luca breaks a few rules in order to pursue his investigation, Leo believes he has finally shaken off the demons from his past and Pietro turns his attention to war veterans.

8 - Pájaros
While ongoing investigations destroy the lives of more politicians, Pietro discovers that there is a mole hiding in the clean hands team.
Elenco principal

Guido Caprino
Pietro Bosco
Miriam Leone
Veronica Castello
Domenico Diele
Luca Pastore
Tea Falco
Bibi Mainaghi
Alessandro Roja
Rocco Venturi
Pietro Ragusa
Gherardo Colombo
Antonio Gerardi
Antonio Di Pietro
Eros Galbiati
Zeno MainaghiMidia
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