The Hunger

The Hunger(1997)


The Hunger is a British/Canadian television horror anthology series, co-produced by Scott Free Productions, Telescene Film Group Productions and the Canadian pay-TV channel The Movie Network. Though it shares a title with the feature film The Hunger the series has no direct plot or character connection to the film, and was created by Jeff Fazio.

Terence Stamp

Terence Stamp

The Host
David Bowie

David Bowie

The Host
Karen Elkin

Karen Elkin

Mrs. Saunders, Jenny Garson, Samantha Perry
Arthur Holden

Arthur Holden

Motel Bellman, Robertson
David La Haye

David La Haye

Romuald, Daniel
Brooke Smith

Brooke Smith

Lee Cooper, Madeleine
Kim Feeney

Kim Feeney

Sonia Kopek, Carla
Lisa Bronwyn Moore

Lisa Bronwyn Moore

Beth Stone, Karen
Vlasta Vrana

Vlasta Vrana

Rhys, Boatman
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